Thursday, October 22, 2020

Day Five.

Day Five. 


75Hard Day Five COMPLETE! 💥

I feel good today. Like really good. My body is adjusting and that is an amazing feeling! I can't even begin to explain what getting up and getting going early in the morning means to me this week ... I've not been a morning person ... yet I'm loving it! 



This morning I did some yoga and stretching ... apparently the yoga wasn't vigorous enough because my watch kept asking me if I was done my workout ... no apple ... I'm breathing and stretching and goin to a different place! Leave me alone ... yoga is a struggle for me. Mainly because I can't find that "place" to go to.  

Walk in the neighborhood in the afternoon after work - ventured out to the other neighborhood down the hill ... again with the hills! It's warm out there today! 


On point as usual. Still no soda. Still no candy. 

BEST salad ever though! 


Pages: 77 - 96

  • Everyone has their problems, and life isn't always perfect. It never will be. 
  • Everything on your plate at this point in time is just another something in a sea of somethings.
  • Everything is solvable. 
  • Only reason you can't see solutions is because you're too close to the problem. 
Truth - all of that is truth. Today was hard to read. I'm always TOO close the the problems both for myself and others. 


Still killing the water game. 144oz! 

"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light."
- Aristotle

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Day Four.

Well. Today kicked my butt. I woke up and hit the ground running. 

75Hard Day Four COMPLETE! 💥

I don't even really know what happened other than I accomplished everything I needed to accomplish ... and that was just good enough! 

On Wednesday I have three jobs, College work and now 75hard. I'm goin to be a little later goin to bed then I would have liked but it will all work out - I'll still be getting up at 4:30! 💪 


I did take my photo for the app but for some reason it didn't save it to my phone like it was supposed to ... so I don't have a record of it - but I definitely took it otherwise it wouldn't' let me close the day! I guess we can use my photo with my new glasses as the picture for today. 


I did get some cardio in, in the morning as well as my walk in the afternoon. I didn't take photos of either ... ain't nobody got time for that today! 


Had some more of that meatloaf for lunch ... still just as good a few days later! Otherwise, my fruits, vegetables and protein were on track today! Still no candy! Still no soda!



Today's reading really touched a nerve with me in that we need to start thinking of everything in our lives as a victory ... it's true. We do. 

  • Instead of wasting time worrying about the things other people have, you'll start focusing on what's really important to you and your life. 
  • EVERYTHING that happens is really a victory. 
  • Dr. Bruce Lipton, the famous stem cell and DNA scientist, found that 95% of what we do in our day-to-day life is controlled by our subconscious. 
  • Search out and connect all the different situations that come into play in your life. 


Today I struggled with water. I was SOOO behind today and found myself chugging at night so I only got in 130oz today. 

"It is the power of the mind to be unconquerable" 