Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Day Four.

Well. Today kicked my butt. I woke up and hit the ground running. 

75Hard Day Four COMPLETE! 💥

I don't even really know what happened other than I accomplished everything I needed to accomplish ... and that was just good enough! 

On Wednesday I have three jobs, College work and now 75hard. I'm goin to be a little later goin to bed then I would have liked but it will all work out - I'll still be getting up at 4:30! 💪 


I did take my photo for the app but for some reason it didn't save it to my phone like it was supposed to ... so I don't have a record of it - but I definitely took it otherwise it wouldn't' let me close the day! I guess we can use my photo with my new glasses as the picture for today. 


I did get some cardio in, in the morning as well as my walk in the afternoon. I didn't take photos of either ... ain't nobody got time for that today! 


Had some more of that meatloaf for lunch ... still just as good a few days later! Otherwise, my fruits, vegetables and protein were on track today! Still no candy! Still no soda!



Today's reading really touched a nerve with me in that we need to start thinking of everything in our lives as a victory ... it's true. We do. 

  • Instead of wasting time worrying about the things other people have, you'll start focusing on what's really important to you and your life. 
  • EVERYTHING that happens is really a victory. 
  • Dr. Bruce Lipton, the famous stem cell and DNA scientist, found that 95% of what we do in our day-to-day life is controlled by our subconscious. 
  • Search out and connect all the different situations that come into play in your life. 


Today I struggled with water. I was SOOO behind today and found myself chugging at night so I only got in 130oz today. 

"It is the power of the mind to be unconquerable" 

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